using more javascript syntax inside of angular directive template

在angularjs中,view中避免不了会用一些javascript,你会发现很多标准的javascript语法在html template中无法执行,从而达不到你预期的结果,比如:{{typeof(“A”)}} ,预期输出字符串string;  {{angular.isString(“A”)}},预期输出字符串true,这是因为html template是交由angularjs负责解释和编译的,而在template的对应作用域中,并未去支持所有的标准javascript语法和对象,其中就包括typeof(),但是支持比如”==”,”!==”等一些常用语法。


Sendmail Settings

通常新安装的Linux主机,hostname我们不会将其设置成真实的FQDN形式,这会造成在后面做一些应用服务器时,产生一些影响,比如mail server,做为mail server,如果你的当前hostname是linux.local,而你希望以[email protected]发送邮件出去,那么在没有进行其它配置的情况下,当你将邮件发送后,接收人那里会显示[email protected],并由[email protected]代发。有一些邮件接收服务器就会将你这封邮件做为垃圾邮件,放在垃圾箱里,那么该怎么更改呢,以做到只显示[email protected]呢,下面是sendmail的设置方式:

  1. vim /etc/mail/
  2. make  -f /etc/mail/Makefile
  3. service sendmail reload

Application Pool Identities


Whether you are running your site on your own server or in the cloud, security must be at the top of your priority list. If so, you will be happy to hear that IIS has a security feature called the application pool identity. This feature was introduced in Service Pack 2 (SP2) of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. An application pool identity allows you to run an application pool under a unique account without having to create and manage domain or local accounts. The name of the application pool account corresponds to the name of the application pool. The image below shows an IIS worker process (W3wp.exe) running as the DefaultAppPool identity.

Application Pool Identity Accounts

Worker processes in IIS 6.0 and in IIS 7 run as Network Service by default. Network Service is a built-in Windows identity. It doesn’t require a password and has only user privileges; that is, it is relatively low-privileged. Running as a low-privileged account is a good security practice because then a software bug can’t be used by a malicious user to take over the whole system.

However, a problem arose over time as more and more Windows system services started to run as Network Service. This is because services running as Network Service can tamper with other services that run under the same identity. Because IIS worker processes run third-party code by default (Classic ASP, ASP.NET, PHP code), it was time to isolate IIS worker processes from other Windows system services and run IIS worker processes under unique identities. The Windows operating system provides a feature called “virtual accounts” that allows IIS to create a unique identity for each of its application pools. Click here for more information about Virtual Accounts. Continue reading “Application Pool Identities”