Oracle Data Provider for .NET / ODP.NET connection strings

Using TNS

Data Source=TORCL;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;


Data Source=localhost:1521/orcl; User Id=scott; Password=scott;

Using integrated security

Data Source=TORCL;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Using ODP.NET without tnsnames.ora

User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Using the Easy Connect Naming Method (aka EZ Connect)

The easy connect naming method enables clients to connect to a database without any configuration.

Data Source=username/password@//myserver:1521/;

Port 1521 is used if no port number is specified in the connection string.

Make sure that EZCONNECT is enabled in the sqlnet.ora file. NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT)

‘//’ in data source is optional and is there to enable URL style hostname values

Easy Connect Naming Method to connect to an Instance

This one does not specify a service or a port.

Data Source=username/password@myserver//instancename;

Easy Connect Naming Method to connect to a dedicated server instance

This one does not specify a service or a port.

Data Source=username/password@myserver/myservice:dedicated/instancename;

Other server options: SHARED, POOLED (to use instead of DEDICATED). Dedicated is the default.

Specifying Pooling parameters

By default, connection pooling is enabled. This one controls the pooling mechanisms. The connection pooling service creates connection pools by using the ConnectionString property to uniquely identify a pool.

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Min Pool Size=10;
Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool Size=2;

The first connection opened creates the connection pool. The service initially creates the number of connections defined by the Min Pool Size parameter.

The Incr Pool Size attribute defines the number of new connections to be created by the connection pooling service when more connections are needed.

When a connection is closed, the connection pooling service determines whether the connection lifetime has exceeded the value of the Connection Lifetime attribute. If so, the connection is closed; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool.

The connection pooling service closes unused connections every 3 minutes. The Decr Pool Size attribute specifies the maximum number of connections that can be closed every 3 minutes.

Restricting Pool size

Use this one if you want to restrict the size of the pool.

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Max Pool Size=40;
Connection Timeout=60;

The Max Pool Size attribute sets the maximum number of connections for the connection pool. If a new connection is requested, but no connections are available and the limit for Max Pool Size has been reached the connection pooling service waits for the time defined by the Connection Timeout attribute. If the Connection Timeout time has been reached, and there are still no connections available in the pool, the connection pooling service raises an exception indicating that the request has timed-out.

Disable Pooling

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Pooling=False;

Using Windows user authentication

Oracle can open a connection using Windows user login credentials to authenticate database users.

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=/;

If the Password attribute is provided, it is ignored.

Operating System Authentication is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

Privileged Connections

Oracle allows database administrators to connect to Oracle Database with either SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;

SYSOPER is also valid for the DBA Privilege attribute.

Runtime Connection Load Balancing

Optimizes connection pooling for RAC database by balancing work requests across RAC instances.

Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Load Balancing=True;

This feature can only be used against a RAC database and only if pooling is enabled (default).

深入理解依赖注入(Dependency Injection)

本来想自己写1下对依赖注入(Dependency Injection,简称DI)的理解,发现这篇文章已经写的比较全面和深入,并且易懂,遂转,希望能够给各位带来1定的帮助。


1. IGame游戏公司的故事

1.1 讨论会

1.2 实习生小李的实现方法

1.3 架构师的建议

1.4 小李的小结

2. 探究依赖注入

2.1 故事的启迪

2.2 正式定义依赖注入

3. 依赖注入那些事儿

3.1 依赖注入的类别

3.1.1 Setter注入

3.1.2 Construtor注入

3.1.3 依赖获取

3.2 反射与依赖注入

3.3 多态的活性与依赖注入

3.3.1 多态性的活性

3.3.2 不同活性多态性依赖注入的选择

4. IoC Container

4.1 IoC Container出现的必然性

4.2 IoC Container的分类

4.2.1 重量级IoC Container

4.2.2 轻量级IoC Container

4.3 .NET平台上典型IoC Container推介

4.3.1 Spring.NET

4.3.2 Unity


1. IGame游戏公司的故事

1.1 讨论会

话说有一个叫IGame的游戏公司,正在开发一款ARPG游戏(动作&角色扮演类游戏,如魔兽世界、梦幻西游这一类的游戏)。一般这类游戏 都有一个基本的功能,就是打怪(玩家攻击怪物,借此获得经验、虚拟货币和虚拟装备),并且根据玩家角色所装备的武器不同,攻击效果也不同。这 天,IGame公司的开发小组正在开会对打怪功能中的某一个功能点如何实现进行讨论,他们面前的大屏幕上是这样一份需求描述的ppt:
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