关于volatile关键字, 大家用的可能不多, 因为经常大家用的时候都是使用的lock, 或者其它的线程锁, 来避免并发时对变量的更改, 引用的不同步.
volatile 关键字, 是一个轻量级的lock, 它会进行更多的优化, 具体的优化哪些东西我也不清楚, 性能也要比lock方式好. 所以一般情况下, 使用volatile即可. 下面摘取msdn 上对于这个关键字的描述:
volatile 关键字指示一个字段可以由多个同时执行的线程修改。 声明为 volatile 的字段不受编译器优化(假定由单个线程访问)的限制。 这样可以确保该字段在任何时间呈现的都是最新的值。
volatile 修饰符通常用于由多个线程访问但不使用 lock 语句对访问进行序列化的字段。
using System; using System.Threading; public class Worker { // This method is called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { while (!_shouldStop) { Console.WriteLine("Worker thread: working..."); } Console.WriteLine("Worker thread: terminating gracefully."); } public void RequestStop() { _shouldStop = true; } // Keyword volatile is used as a hint to the compiler that this data // member is accessed by multiple threads. private volatile bool _shouldStop; } public class WorkerThreadExample { static void Main() { // Create the worker thread object. This does not start the thread. Worker workerObject = new Worker(); Thread workerThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); // Start the worker thread. workerThread.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Main thread: starting worker thread..."); // Loop until the worker thread activates. while (!workerThread.IsAlive) ; // Put the main thread to sleep for 1 millisecond to // allow the worker thread to do some work. Thread.Sleep(1); // Request that the worker thread stop itself. workerObject.RequestStop(); // Use the Thread.Join method to block the current thread // until the object's thread terminates. workerThread.Join(); Console.WriteLine("Main thread: worker thread has terminated."); } // Sample output: // Main thread: starting worker thread... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: working... // Worker thread: terminating gracefully. // Main thread: worker thread has terminated. }