What’s FodyWeaver

In almost all .NET applications you encounter lot of boilerplate code which although has pretty standard implementation but is quite important from implementation point of view. Some common examples are overridden ToString, Equals  method for you model classes. Or implementing IDisposable or INotifyPropertyChanged. In all these examples most of the code is pretty standard.

One of the ways of automating this code is to automatically inject this in your generated MSIL (which stands for Microsoft intermediate language).This process of injecting code post compilation directly into generated intermediate language is known as .NET assembly weaving or IL weaving (similar to byte code weaving in Java).

If you do this before compilation i.e. add source code lines before compilation it is known as Source code weaving.

What is Fody and how it works.

Fody is an extensible library for weaving .NET assembly written by Simon Cropp. It adds post build task in MS build pipeline to manipulate generated IL. Usually this requires lot of plumbing code which is what fody provides. Fody provides extensible add-in model where anybody can use core fody package (providing basic code for adding post build task and manipulating IL) and create their own specific add-ins. E.g. Equals. Fody generates Equals and GetHashCode method implementation and ToString. Fody generates ToString implementation for your classes.

Below figure shows how the whole process works.

You can also use the same technique for implementing AOP, logging, profiling methods etc.

Fody uses Mono.Cecil which is a library for manipulating intermediate language and in usage feels quite similar to .NET reflection APIs. As far as IL manipulation goes Mono.Cecil seems like only game in the town. Chances are high that if you have used plug-in for IL manipulation they would be using Mono.Cecil internally. Continue reading “What’s FodyWeaver”

AccessToken Vs ID Token Vs Refresh Token, What? Why? When?


This article demonstrates different types of tokens in OpenID Connect. At the end of this article, you will have clear understanding on the below points,
  1. About JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  2. What is Access Token?
  3. Example of Access Token
  4. Why we need Access Token?
  5. What is ID Token?
  6. Example of ID Token
  7. Why we need ID Token?
  8. What is Refresh Token?
  9. Example of Refresh Token
  10. Why we need Refresh Token?
Related reads

About JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JWT i.e. Json Web Tokens, are an important piece in ensuring trust and security in your application. JWT allows claims such as user data to be represented in a secure manner.
A JWT is represented as a sequence of base64url encoded values that are separated by dot character. It’s ideal format is like “Header.Payload.Signature”, where header keeps metadata for the token. The payload is basically the claims of the entity (typically user) and a signature for the signed token.
The Signed token is generated by combining the encoded JWT header and Payload and it is signed by using encryption algorithm like HMAC SHA–256. The signature private key is always held by server so it will be able to verify existing token as well as sign new token.
JWT could be used as an opaque identifier and could be inspected for additional information – such as identity attributes which it represents as claims.
Sample JWT token format could look like,
AccessToken Vs ID Token Vs Refresh Token

What is Access Token?

Access tokens are credentials used to access protected resources.
Access tokens are used as bearer tokens. A bearer token means that the bearer (who holds the access token) can access authorized resources without further identification.
Because of this, it is important that bearer tokens be protected.
These tokens usually have a short lifespan for security purpose. When it expires, the user must authenticate again to get a new access token limiting the exposure of the fact that it is a bearer token.
Access token must never be used for authentication. Access tokens cannot tell if the user has authenticated. The only user information the access token processes is the user id, located in sub claims.
The application receives an access token after a user successfully authenticates and authorizes access. Itis usually in JWT format but do not have to be.
The application should treat access tokens as opaque strings since they are meant for APIs. Your application should not attempt to decode them or expect receive token in a
particular format.
This token does not contain any information about the user itself besides theirs ID (“sub”).It only contains authorization information about which actions the application is allowed to perform at the API (“scope”). This is what makes it useful for securing an API, but not for authenticating a user.
An access token is put in the Authorization header of your request, usually looks like Bearer “access_token” that the API you are calling can verify and grant you access.
Example of Access Token
Here is the sample response from the token endpoint! The response includes the ID token and access token. Your application can use the access token to make API requests on behalf of the user.

Continue reading “AccessToken Vs ID Token Vs Refresh Token, What? Why? When?”

Service-to-service communication

The article is from Microsoft.

Moving from the front-end client, we now address back-end microservices communicate with each other.

When constructing a cloud-native application, you’ll want to be sensitive to how back-end services communicate with each other. Ideally, the less inter-service communication, the better. However, avoidance isn’t always possible as back-end services often rely on one another to complete an operation.

There are several widely accepted approaches to implementing cross-service communication. The type of communication interaction will often determine the best approach.

Consider the following interaction types:

  • Query – when a calling microservice requires a response from a called microservice, such as, “Hey, give me the buyer information for a given customer Id.”
  • Command – when the calling microservice needs another microservice to execute an action but doesn’t require a response, such as, “Hey, just ship this order.”
  • Event – when a microservice, called the publisher, raises an event that state has changed or an action has occurred. Other microservices, called subscribers, who are interested, can react to the event appropriately. The publisher and the subscribers aren’t aware of each other.

Microservice systems typically use a combination of these interaction types when executing operations that require cross-service interaction. Let’s take a close look at each and how you might implement them.


Many times, one microservice might need to query another, requiring an immediate response to complete an operation. A shopping basket microservice may need product information and a price to add an item to its basket. There are many approaches for implementing query operations.

Request/Response Messaging

One option for implementing this scenario is for the calling back-end microservice to make direct HTTP requests to the microservices it needs to query, shown in Figure 4-8.

Direct HTTP communication

Figure 4-8. Direct HTTP communication

While direct HTTP calls between microservices are relatively simple to implement, care should be taken to minimize this practice. To start, these calls are always synchronous and will block the operation until a result is returned or the request times outs. What were once self-contained, independent services, able to evolve independently and deploy frequently, now become coupled to each other. As coupling among microservices increase, their architectural benefits diminish.

Executing an infrequent request that makes a single direct HTTP call to another microservice might be acceptable for some systems. However, high-volume calls that invoke direct HTTP calls to multiple microservices aren’t advisable. They can increase latency and negatively impact the performance, scalability, and availability of your system. Even worse, a long series of direct HTTP communication can lead to deep and complex chains of synchronous microservices calls, shown in Figure 4-9:

Chaining HTTP queries Continue reading “Service-to-service communication”

Front-end client communication

The article is from Microsoft.

In a cloud-native system, front-end clients (mobile, web, and desktop applications) require a communication channel to interact with independent back-end microservices.

What are the options?

To keep things simple, a front-end client could directly communicate with the back-end microservices, shown in Figure 4-2.

Direct client to service communication

Figure 4-2. Direct client to service communication

With this approach, each microservice has a public endpoint that is accessible by front-end clients. In a production environment, you’d place a load balancer in front of the microservices, routing traffic proportionately.

While simple to implement, direct client communication would be acceptable only for simple microservice applications. This pattern tightly couples front-end clients to core back-end services, opening the door for a number of problems, including:

  • Client susceptibility to back-end service refactoring.
  • A wider attack surface as core back-end services are directly exposed.
  • Duplication of cross-cutting concerns across each microservice.
  • Overly complex client code – clients must keep track of multiple endpoints and handle failures in a resilient way.

Instead, a widely accepted cloud design pattern is to implement an API Gateway Service between the front-end applications and back-end services. The pattern is shown in Figure 4-3.

API Gateway Pattern Continue reading “Front-end client communication”

Cloud Native

The article is from Microsoft.

Stop what you’re doing and text ten of your colleagues. Ask them to define the term “Cloud Native”. Good chance you’ll get ten different answers.

Cloud native is all about changing the way you think about constructing critical business systems.

Cloud-native systems are designed to embrace rapid change, large scale, and resilience.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation provides an official definition:

Cloud-native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.

These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.

Applications have become increasingly complex with users demanding more and more. Users expect rapid responsiveness, innovative features, and zero downtime. Performance problems, recurring errors, and the inability to move fast are no longer acceptable. They’ll easily move to your competitor.

Cloud native is about speed and agility. Business systems are evolving from enabling business capabilities to being weapons of strategic transformation that accelerate business velocity and growth. It’s imperative to get ideas to market immediately.

Here are some companies who have implemented these techniques. Think about the speed, agility, and scalability they’ve achieved.

Table 1
Company Experience
Netflix Has 600+ services in production. Deploys hundred times per day.
Uber Has 1,000+ services in production. Deploys several thousand times each week.
WeChat Has 3,000+ services in production. Deploys 1,000 times a day.

As you can see, Netflix, Uber, and WeChat expose systems that consist of hundreds of independent microservices. This architectural style enables them to rapidly respond to market conditions. They can instantaneously update small areas of a live, complex application, and individually scale those areas as needed.

The speed and agility of cloud native come about from a number of factors. Foremost is cloud infrastructure. Five additional foundational pillars shown in Figure 1-3 also provide the bedrock for cloud-native systems.

Cloud-native foundational pillars Continue reading “Cloud Native”

桥接模式 (Bridge Pattern)-结构型模式第五篇

Bridge Pattern
  1. 《设计模式》系列序——写给未来的自己
  2. 工厂方法模式(Factory Method)-创建型模式第一篇
  3. 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)-创建型模式第二篇
  4. 单例模式(Singleton Pattern)-创建型模式第三篇
  5. 建造者模式(Builder Pattern)-创建型模式第四篇
  6. 原型模式(Prototype Pattern)-创建型模式第五篇
  7. 装饰者模式 (Decorator Pattern)-结构型模式第一篇
  8. 组合模式 (Composite Pattern)-结构型模式第二篇
  9. 适配器模式 (Adapter Pattern)-结构型模式第三篇
  10. 代理模式 (Proxy Pattern)-结构型模式第四篇
  11. 桥接模式 (Bridge Pattern)-结构型模式第五篇






Bridge Pattern Continue reading “桥接模式 (Bridge Pattern)-结构型模式第五篇”



TCP 协议简述

TCP 提供面向有连接的通信传输,面向有连接是指在传送数据之前必须先建立连接,数据传送完成后要释放连接。





TCP首部承载这TCP协议需要的各项信息,下面我们来分析一下: Continue reading “老生常谈,TCP三次握手、四次挥手过程及原理”

Shard (database architecture)

A database shard, or simply a shard, is a horizontal partition of data in a database or search engine. Each shard is held on a separate database server instance, to spread load.

Some data within a database remains present in all shards, but some appears only in a single shard. Each shard (or server) acts as the single source for this subset of data.

Database architecture

Horizontal partitioning is a database design principle whereby rows of a database table are held separately, rather than being split into columns (which is what normalization and vertical partitioning do, to differing extents). Each partition forms part of a shard, which may in turn be located on a separate database server or physical location.

There are numerous advantages to the horizontal partitioning approach. Since the tables are divided and distributed into multiple servers, the total number of rows in each table in each database is reduced. This reduces index size, which generally improves search performance. A database shard can be placed on separate hardware, and multiple shards can be placed on multiple machines. This enables a distribution of the database over a large number of machines, greatly improving performance. In addition, if the database shard is based on some real-world segmentation of the data (e.g., European customers v. American customers) then it may be possible to infer the appropriate shard membership easily and automatically, and query only the relevant shard.

Disadvantages include:

Main section: Disadvantages

  • A heavier reliance on the interconnection between servers.
  • Increased latency when querying, especially where more than one shard must be searched.
  • Data or indexes are often only sharded one way, so that some searches are optimal, and others are slow or impossible.
  • Issues of consistency and durability due to the more complex failure modes of a set of servers, which often result in systems making no guarantees about cross-shard consistency or durability.

In practice, sharding is complex. Although it has been done for a long time by hand-coding (especially where rows have an obvious grouping, as per the example above), this is often inflexible. There is a desire to support sharding automatically, both in terms of adding code support for it, and for identifying candidates to be sharded separately. Consistent hashing is a technique used in sharding to spread large loads across multiple smaller services and servers.

Where distributed computing is used to separate load between multiple servers (either for performance or reliability reasons), a shard approach may also be useful. Continue reading “Shard (database architecture)”

Cache synchronization strategies


A system of record is the authoritative data source when information is scattered among various data providers. When we introduce a caching solution, we automatically duplicate our data. To avoid inconsistent reads and data integrity issues, it’s very important to synchronize the database and the cache (whenever a change occurs in the system).

There are various ways to keep the cache and the underlying database in sync and this article will present some of the most common cache synchronization strategies.


The application code can manually manage both the database and the cache information. The application logic inspects the cache before hitting the database and it updates the cache after any database modification.

Cache Aside

Mixing caching management and application is not very appealing, especially if we have to repeat these steps in every data retrieval method. Leveraging an Aspect-Oriented caching interceptor can mitigate the cache leaking into the application code, but it doesn’t exonerate us from making sure that both the database and the cache are properly synchronized.


Instead of managing both the database and the cache, we can simply delegate the database synchronization to the cache provider. All data interaction is, therefore, done through the cache abstraction layer. Continue reading “Cache synchronization strategies”

Cache-Aside pattern

Load data on demand into a cache from a data store. This can improve performance and also helps to maintain consistency between data held in the cache and data in the underlying data store.

Context and problem

Applications use a cache to improve repeated access to information held in a data store. However, it’s impractical to expect that cached data will always be completely consistent with the data in the data store. Applications should implement a strategy that helps to ensure that the data in the cache is as up-to-date as possible, but can also detect and handle situations that arise when the data in the cache has become stale.


Many commercial caching systems provide read-through and write-through/write-behind operations. In these systems, an application retrieves data by referencing the cache. If the data isn’t in the cache, it’s retrieved from the data store and added to the cache. Any modifications to data held in the cache are automatically written back to the data store as well.

For caches that don’t provide this functionality, it’s the responsibility of the applications that use the cache to maintain the data.

An application can emulate the functionality of read-through caching by implementing the cache-aside strategy. This strategy loads data into the cache on demand. The figure illustrates using the Cache-Aside pattern to store data in the cache.

Using the Cache-Aside pattern to store data in the cache

If an application updates information, it can follow the write-through strategy by making the modification to the data store, and by invalidating the corresponding item in the cache.

When the item is next required, using the cache-aside strategy will cause the updated data to be retrieved from the data store and added back into the cache. Continue reading “Cache-Aside pattern”